Comfortably Numb

Author: rifkab /

This feeling of numbness surrounds every cell of my body. Is it a good or bad thing?
There seems to be a sense of comfort in this listlessness. Being oblivious to emotions, sentiments and feelings is a good escape route but how long can one escape from oneself?

It’s these very feelings and emotions that make each one of us unique individuals.

But if I feel numb, I don’t feel anymore, and if I don’t feel then how do I feel numb? The “feeling” still exists; I should feel nothing at all, shouldn’t I?

Could being numb be equated to being dead? If so am i comfortably dead then?


Vijay Jacob said...

A state of numbness is more a transition between two phases. Let it not linger on, we must move on to either feeling the pain, or joy that awaits us.

Don't get comfortable being numb, for it is feeling that makes things real. Feel, live and express more of yourself, for even this post is from the "feeling" of being numb.

Asha said...

This too shall pass...

From this comfortably numb cocoon comes a butterfly with strong wings to take on bigger storms.

brincrish said...

Life is a one needs to value it and live it to its fullest...Being human there will be days of numbness and days of action. The important thing is to know its in your control!

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